13 mars 2007

Life lessons number 645

Today's coaching call
On my call today I realised an important thing about my perfectionism. I realised I had not done my year plan because I was unable to step into the feeling of connectedness that I wanted to be in when I wrote my year plan.
We did a very simple exercise that helped me in a matter of minutes to center myself in my creativity, light and love.
The principle behind the Sedona Method is simple: Behaviour is "STATE" driven
It is our feelings that cause us to take action.
1)Past programming gives us thought
2)Thoughts create a feeling
3)Feelings create the need to take action
4)Actions create results or outcome. In the Sedona method, I simply bypassed the past programming and went right into feeling.
Close your eyes and press gently your tong to the roof of your mouth. Breath in deeply and exale immagining your breath exitting through your feet. Feel the energy connecting you to the center of the earth and flowing to the universe.
1)Focus on the feeling you want to be in.
3)Imagine seeing the situation in which you had that feeling intensely. See it through your eyes
4)When you are in that emotional place say "GOT IT"
5)Are you feeling that feeling you wish to feel? SAY YES
6)Are you willing to embrace that feeling? SAY YES
Repeat 7 to 9 times.....
Always remember that energy flow where attention goes.